Finance department is headed by CPA Chumba through a collaborative process of management, working together with staff and with full support of Council. The department has continuously worked to ensure that the University meets its financial obligations for sustainability and for expansion as a higher learning institution.
Finance Department is at the central of the university operations. Its Strategic objective is to improve financial sustainability through diversification of revenue streams and effective and efficient management of university resources.
departmental Objectives
The department aims to provide high quality management information to support decision making and to provide efficient transaction services for our students, staff and external stakeholders as well as to establish a reporting and control framework to support all the university’s financial activities. It carries out risk assessments across key functions in operations, a process helps in identifying and analysing financial risks faced by the University.
Finance Sections
Student Section
CPA Jessica is the current Accountant in charge of Student Finance Section. She is a Certified Public Accountant (K) and a member of ICPAK. Jessica is handling a section that is key to the operations of the university in terms of revenue collection. Student finance section is responsible for student finance services including maintaining the student ledgers and handling all student finance matters. The section has six school accountants working closely with Deans and Academic heads of departments to ensure efficiency in service delivery to students.
Planning & Final Accounts Section
CPA Olivia is the current Accountant in charge of Planning & Final Accounts Section. She has an MBA in Finance from Maseno University. She is a Certified Public Accountant (K) and a member of ICPAK. Olivia has been instrumental in the coordination of the departments planning and reporting function whose output is the Annual and Financial Statements Reports that disclose the university’s financial status to management, donors, the government and other stakeholders.
operations section
CPA Agunja is currently in charge of operations at the department. She is a Certified Public Accountant (K) and a registered member of ICPAK.
This section has several sub sections including payroll, part time, imprest and personal claims, management of debtors and creditors, cash management and general coordination of operations at the department. The section facilitates all financial activities within the university.
The Finance Staff
The department supports about 40 budget units that comprise university academics, administration and auxiliary functions. It collaborates with both divisions in the development and maintenance of university’s operating budget. These responsibilities include financial planning, forecasting, budget considerations and the management of budget reporting system as well as design and implementation of strong internal controls.