
The Legal Office is an integral unit in the daily running of issues pertaining to and/or requiring legal input as relates to the University. This has impacted positively in tandem with stipulations in internal policies, Rules and Regulations, the Laws of Kenya and other relevant applicable advisories.

The mandate of Legal Office is indeed enormous. However, under the stewardship and direction of the Senior Legal Officer, it is made possible for the dispensation and discharge of duties to the required and set standards, given the usual constraints experienced in the delivery of the same. The office ensures that tasks and duties allocated to the Senior Legal Officer are undertaken and accomplished and delivered on time, given the staffing constraints.

Strategic Objectives

    • To recommend and lobby for facilities and resources to maintain and improved image of the legal office and the University.
    • To broaden the range of specialties in legal services offered to the University Community;
    • To promptly and efficiently attend to matters that require legal input internally and externally.
    • To facilitate the development and implementation of institutional policies and strict adherence to the same.
    • To ensure strict compliance with relevant national laws on integrity, and facilitate or coordinate the development and implementation of the institutional corruption prevention plan.

Our Vision

To be Legal advisors upholding the Rule of Law in keeping with Home of Ideas University

Our Mission

 To provide quality legal services, in line with Rongo University vision.

Value Statement & Mandate

 In the Legal Office we are driven by a passion for service excellence to achieve and coordinate effective corporate Legal Services, in an atmosphere that ensures efficiency, integrity and sustainability. 

Legal Office Duties

1. Litigation

Legal office is involved in the management of cases on behalf of the University before Tribunals and Courts in liaison with external lawyers appointed by the University. The duties include preparation of briefs, preparation of witnesses for pre-trial and hearing and preparation of updates to the management in relation to the frequent amendments of legal statutes. The office is also mandated to render services to the University through the Student Disciplinary Process that entails crafting of charges for students violating the Regulations governing the conduct and discipline of students. Similarly, legal office renders services through the Staff Disciplinary Process that relates to drafting of charges for staff violating the Regulations governing the Staff Code of Conduct, Terms of Service among others. In the entire litigation process, legal office offers the requisite legal advice.

2. Linkage & Collaborations

The Legal Office is actively involved in formulation and guidance on preparation of documents such as Memorandum of Understanding, Collaboration Agreements and Proposals by the Senior Legal Officer with utmost care, to ensure the document meet the threshold required for execution. For documents that require further scrutiny, any of the two versions of standard Memorandum of Understanding may be adopted for customization. The said documents have been availed in template form and can be downloaded easily by following the shown link.

3. Legal Advice

The Legal Office is under a duty to offer wise guidance and sound legal counsel to the University, vital in the day-to-day running of activities. Various consumers include University’s management, administration and academic divisions, students and staff. Intensive research and comparative analysis is the hallmark of the service.

4. Respond to Complaints & Suggestions

We highly value complaints and suggestions from stakeholders, since they give us the opportunity to improve service delivery and sustain and/or restore confidence. The Legal Office receives record and responds to complaints and suggestions raised, after they have been processed. Contacts through which to channel the complaints or suggestions are as given above.

5. Intellectual Property Rights

We conduct the application and registration of intellectual property rights. Legal Office recognizes intellectual property rights and seeks to protect them.