International research and ethics committe (irec)
Scope and responsibility of the IERC
The main responsibility of a Rongo University -Institutional Review and Ethics Committee( RU -IREC) is to protect potential participants in the research, but it must also take into account potential risks and benefits for the community in which the research will be carried out and where necessary, protect investigators from exploitation by authorities. Its ultimate goal is to promote high ethical standards in research for society health and overall well-being.

The constitution of the RU-IREC will adhere to the national and internationally set requirements so as:
To ensure that it is established in accordance with the policies of Rongo University and adherence to the values and principles of the communities they serve.
To be multi-disciplinary and multi-sectorial in composition, including relevant scientific expertise, balanced age and gender distribution and laypersons representing the interests and the concerns of the community.
To ensure that it establishes publicly available standard operating procedures that state the authority under which the committee is established, the functions and duties of the ethics committee, membership requirements, the terms of appointment, the offices, the structure of the secretariat, internal procedures and the quorum requirements.
RU- IREC, has instituted systematic application and decision-making procedures; defined types of reviews; meetings confidentiality; review outcome notifications; code of conduct for RU-IREC members and investigators.
Procedure for proposal submission
All research proposals involving human participants need to be submitted by individual investigator to the RU-IREC Secretariat, using an online submission portal and 2 hardcopies to be delivered to RU-IREC secretariat.
Each proposal undergoes a preliminary screening by the Secretariat to confirm that all necessary documentation has been submitted i.e.
- Duly filled and signed proposal submission forms;
- the study proposal accompanied with informed consent forms, study instruments,
- Local ethics approval,
- Payment receipts etc.
Only when all required documentation has been duly submitted, will the Secretariat forward the study for review by the RU-IREC. A study will only receive final approval from the RU-IRECwhen all core documentation has been satisfactorily submitted, including local ethics approval.
Decision making and notification
Only when all required documentation has been duly submitted, will the Secretariat forward the study for review by the RU- IREC. A study will only receive final approval from the RU- IREC when all core documentation has been satisfactorily submitted, including local ethics approval.
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