Professor Daniel Kipkirong Tarus
Academic Qualifications
- PhD (Finance), Moi University/Oklahoma State University, USA in 2011.
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance, University of Allahabad, 1999.
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) in Accounting, University of Allahabad, 1997.
Professional Qualification
- Passed Certified Public Accountants [CPA (K)] Examination in December, 2003
- Passed Certified Public Secretaries [CPS (K)] Examination in December, 2005
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) Examinations (in Part 3)
Administrative Experience
(i) Ag. Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Finance from May 30th 2016 to Date;
(ii) Director, Privately Sponsored Students Programme (PSSP) from 4 th August, 2014 to 30th May, 2016;
(iii) Ag. Director, Privately Sponsored Students Programme (PSSP) from July 2013 to July 2014;
(iv) Deputy Director, Privately Sponsored Students Programme April 2013 to July 2013;
(v) School of Business & Economics Undergraduate Programme Coordinator from January 2011 to April 2013;
(vi) Chairman and Coordinator of School Post-graduate Programme from July 2007 – January 2010;
(vii) Member, School Postgraduate Committee from July, 2007 to date; and
(viii) Assistant Post-graduate Programme Coordinator from November 2002 – July 2007.
Academic Experience
May 2015 to date:
Professor of Finance, Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business & Economics, Moi University. 2013 – 2015
Associate Professor of Finance, Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business and Economics, Moi University. 2010 – 2013
Senior Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business and Economics, Moi University. 2006 – 2010
Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business and Economics, Moi University. 2002 – 2006
Tutorial Fellow, Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business and Economics, Moi University. 2000 – 2002
Part-Time Lecturer, Department of Accounting and Finance, School of Business and Economics, Moi University.
National Responsibilities
- Member of the Joint Negotiations Committee of Inter-Public Universities Councils Consultative Forum, that negotiates CBA for staff in all public universities in Kenya from January, 2020 to date;
- Member of National Open University of Kenya (NOUK) Curriculum Development Committee;
- Peer Reviewer for the Commission for University Education (CUE) since 2014. I have since reviewed over 20 curricular as well as four (4) Institutional Inspections that culminated in the Award of the University Charters;
- Steering Committee Member for Commission for Kenyan Universities Exhibitions;
- Peer Reviewer for the Namibian Commission for Higher Education and has reviewed 2 Academic Programmes for the University of Namibia; and
- Member, Kenya Quality Assurance Network (KQAN).
Board Membership
- Chairman, Audit Committee in the Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government from April, 2021 to date;
- Chairman, Board of Governors, O’llessos Technical Training Institute from January, 2021 to date;
- Member, Audit Committee in the Ministry of Industrialization, Government of Kenya from 2017 to date;
- Audit Committee Member, The National Treasury & Planning, Government of Kenya from January, 2018 to January, 2021; and
- Alternate Director, Rivatex E.A Ltd, and a Member of Human Resource Committee from 2017 to date.
Teaching Responsibilities and Experience
Undergraduate Programme
BBM 201: Financial Accounting; BBM 301: Advance Financial Accounting: BBM 304: Auditing; BBM 310:
Business Finance; BBM 311: Banking Theory and Practice; BBM 400: Taxation; BBM 401: Financial
Management and FLB 305: Banking Law
Masters Programme
MBA 800: Financial Accounting; MBA 886: Micro Enterprise Financing; MBA 887: Entrepreneurship and
Business Consulting; MBM 801: Financial Management; MBM 826: Advanced Financial Accounting; MBM
830: Investment Analysis and Management.
Ph.D Programme
DBM 910: Corporate Leadership; DBM 921: Investment Analysis and Models; DBM 916 Research Proposals;
and DBM 924: Advanced Corporate Finance.
Publications in Refereed Journals
- Tuwey, J. K. & Tarus, D.K (Forthcoming). Does Board Leadership Influence Bank innovativeness in Kenya? International Journal of Critical Accounting
- Kemboi, A.K. (Forthcoming). Does Metacognition drive innovation? The case of entrepreneurial firms in Kenya, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing
- Nguli, J. N., & Tarus, D. K. (2020). Effect of strategic orientation on financial inclusion among women owned enterprises in Kenya. International Journal of Comparative Management, 3(3), 157-182.
- Tarus, D.K., & Manyala, P.O. (2018), What determines bank interest rate spread? Evidence from SubSaharan Africa. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 9(3), 335-348.
- Tarus, D.K. and Ayabei, K. (2016), Board Composition and Capital Structure in Kenya, Management Research Review, 39(9), 1056-1079.
- Tuwey, J.K., and Tarus, D.K. (2016), Does CEO power moderate the relationship between board leadership and strategy involvement in private firms? Evidence from Kenya, Corporate Governance International Journal of Business in Society, 16(5): 906-922.
- Tarus, D.K. (2015), Corporate Social Responsibility: A Bottom line or Rhetoric? Journal of African Business, 16(3), 289-304.
- Tarus, D.K. (2015), Do Diaspora Remittances Affect Banking Sector Development in Sub Saharan Africa? International Journal of Commerce and Management, 25(3) 356-368.
- Giorgis S. W., Tarus, D.K., and Cheruiyot, T. K. (2015), Market Structure-Performance Hypotheses in Kenyan Banking Industry, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 10(4), 697-710.
- Tarus, D.K. and Sitienei, E.K. (2015), Intellectual Capital and Innovativeness in Software Development Firms: The Moderating Role of Firm Size, African Journal of Business, 16(1-2), 48-65.
- Cheruiyot, T.K., & Tarus, D.K. (2015), Modeling Employee Social Responsibility as an Antecedent to Competitiveness Outcomes. SAGE Open, 5(1), 1-8.
- Tarus, D.K., and Aime, F. (2014), Board Demographic Diversity and Strategic Change: The Moderating Role of Firm Performance, Management Research Review, 37(10), pp. 1110-1136.
- Tarus, D.K., and Rabach, N. (2013), Determinants of Customer Loyalty in Kenya: Does Corporate Image Play a Moderating Role? The TQM Journal, 25(5), 473-491.
- Musamali, M.M., and Tarus, D.K. (2013), Does Firm Profile Influence Financial Access among Small and Medium Enterprises in Kenya, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 3(6), 714-723.
- Tarus, D.K., and Omandi, E.M. (2013), Business Case for Corporate Transparency: Evidence from Kenya, European Journal of Business and Management, 5(3), 113-125.
- Tarus, D. K., and Ng’anga, S. I. (2013), Small and Medium Size Manufacturing Enterprises Growth and Work Ethics in Kenya, Developing Country Studies, 3(2), 51-59.
- Tarus, D.K., and Chekol, Y.B. (2012), Determinants of Net Interest Margin in Kenyan Commercial Banks, Journal of GSTF Business Review, 2(1), 26-31.
- Tarus, D.K., Yonas, B., and Mutwol, M. (2012), Determinants of Net Interest Margins of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Panel Study. Procedia Economics and Finance, 2, 199-208.
Publications in Book Chapters
- Marigat, S.K, & Tarus, D.K (2018), Charismatic Leadership, Achievement Motivation and Job
Satisfaction: A Test of Moderation. In Z.U. Ahmed, M.S.A. Yajid, S. Raj & A. Khatibi (Eds.) Defining the Frontiers of Global Business Research across emerging Countries, pp. 451-468. Mc-Graw Hill Education, Chennai.
- Cheruiyot, T.K., & Tarus, D.K. (2017), Corporate Social Responsibility in Kenya: Blessing, Curse or Necessary Evil? In Corporate Social Responsibility in Times of Crisis, pp. 169-189. Springer International Publishing.
- Cheruiyot, T.K., & Tarus, D. K. (2016), Corporate Social Responsibility in Kenya: Reflections and Implications. In Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa, pp. 87-110. Springer International Publishing.
- Tarus, D.K. (2013), Diversity in the Board Room: A Business Case or Rhetoric? In A. Ravindran and F. Shirazi, (Eds.) Business Review: Advanced Applications, pp. 107-136. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK.
Book Published
Total Quality Management: Theory, Concepts and Practice, Macmillan Publishers, 2009. ISBN 978 9966 34
344 4. 284 Pages.
External Examiner
- External examiner, University of Nairobi, Kenya from 2012 to 2017
- External examiner, Makerere Business School, Makerere University, Uganda from 2014 to 2019
- External examiner, Maseno University, Kenya from 2013 to 2018
- External examiner, Kenyatta University, Kenya from 2018 to date
Consultancies and Training
- A Consultant for the Institute of Certified Public Secretaries of Kenya for the assessment of Corporate Governance of organizations that culminates into the award of Champion of Governance (COG) which is an annual event.
- A Trainer for Tanzania Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI) from February 2015 to date and have conducted several training programmes on Corporate Governance and Micro financing
- A Trainer for Kenya Bankers Association Western Kenya since 2006 to 2017. I have offered several training programmes on investment opportunities, savings strategies, personal financing, among others.
- Successfully prepared a Comprehensive Business Plan for Cooperative College of Kenya (COK) during the period June – September 2006.
Projects and Funding
- A Project Coordinator for the Consultancy Services for Operationalization & Innovation Ecosystem for Konza National Data Center & Smart Facilities Project valued at Ksh. 247 million. The project commenced in February 2021 and ends in January, 2024;
- A Team Leader for the Digital Literacy programme for the Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Digital Devices for Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) Census for the Republic of Kenya. The value of the Project is Kshs. 1.3 billion. The Project commenced in February 2019 and is expected to be finalized in August 2019;
- A Team Leader for the Digital Literacy Programme for the Contract to supply, install and commission the Laptops to over 15,000 Primary Schools in 26 Counties in Kenya. The value of the Digital Literacy Programme is Kshs. 17 Billion and is underway expected to come to an end 30th June, 2021;
- Awarded a consulting assignment by Tanzania Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI) to conduct a workshop of board of directors and CEOs on corporate governance of microfinance institutions in 2015 to 2017;
- Awarded a consultancy by Inter-Region Economic Forum (IREN) to map out agribusiness models in Africa, Asia, and Latin America and develop agribusiness model for Kakamega County, Kenya in 2015;
- Awarded Ksh. 500,000 by Moi University to undertake research on Social Responsibility and Small Firms in Kenya by Moi University Research Fund in 2005;
- Awarded Ksh. 265,000 by Moi University to undertake research on Training of Small Enterprises in Kenya in 2004;
- Received funding from Institute of Corporate Citizenship, UNISA South Africa to conduct a research on Small Firms Social Responsibility in Kenya and the results of the paper was presented at 1st South African Corporate Citizenship Symposium in UNISA, Johannesburg, South Africa in 2004; and
- A consultant for Moi University under Moi University Holdings in charge of financial feasibility and undertook a consultancy assignment to develop a strategic plan for Cooperative College of Kenya in 2006.
Professional Affiliations and Membership
- Member, Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Kenya (ICPAK) No. 12230.
- Member, Institute of Certified Secretaries of Kenya (ICSK) No. 2825.
- Executive Committee Member of Business Ethics Network Africa (BEN-Africa).
- Member, Eastern Finance Association, USA.
- Member, African Finance Association.
Awards Received
- Decorated with the Chancellors Award for Resource Mobilization at Moi University in December 2017.
- Won the Best Paper Award on my paper entitled “Corporate Social Responsibility Engagement in Kenya: Bottom Line or Rhetoric?” in Journal of African Business in May 2016.
- Won a “Highly Commended Paper Award” on our paper entitled “Determinants of customer loyalty in Kenya: Does corporate image play a moderating role?” in TQM Journal in 2014.
- Best Paper Award in 2nd Annual Accounting and Finance (AF) Conference held in Singapore on 21- 22 May, 2012 titled “Determinants of Net Interest Margins of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Panel Study.”
- Decorated with Deans Award from Moi University for being the best PhD student in 2011.
- Decorated with Principals Gold Medal in 1997 for being the best student in Bachelor of Commerce degree.
- Won a price for being the best student in CPS Section 6; Company Secretarial and Practice, awarded by Gichohi & co. KASNEB Examinations in December, 2005.
Community Responsibilities
- BOM Member and Chairman, St. Georges Girls High School, Eldoret from 2016 to date;
- BOM Member and Chairman, Kilibwoni High School from 2006-2018;
- BOM Member, Mosoriot Teachers College from 2016 to date; and
- BOM Member, Terige High School from 2004 to 2010.